Elgin Time
The Elgin National Watch Company formerly based in Elgin, Illinois commissioned Grell to design this mural study titled Elgin Time. It…
The Picnic
This work is similar to paintings executed by Grell in 1930 at the Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, OH Oil…
Hunt of Diana II
“Hunt of Diana” 1960 Oil on Canvas 29.5″ x 23.5″
Woman Flying
photo courtesy of Barry Birnbaum painting for a mural
St. Martin of Tours
A Roman soldier, Martin, comes across an old man, in what is now France in the cold of winter, who…
Europe Landscape
oil on canvas, Chicago former student collection
Trees and Stream
Trees & Stream watercolor, signed lr “LOUIS GRELL 1951”, private collection
European Bluff
Inspired by Grell’s travel in Europe from 1908 to 1915. This place doesn’t exist but in Grell’s imagination and now…
Hunt of Diana I
“Hunt of Diana2” watercolor
Mountain Forms
Inspired by Grell’s travels in Europe from 1908 to 1915. This place doesn’t exits but in Grell’s imagination. Imagineered by…
Wedding Gift
oil on canvas, gift to the artist’s brother and bride, California Grell collection
Art Deco Diana
The Hunt of Dianna Grell painted numerous Diana scenes throughout his 55 year career. This version is an art deco…